As guest of honour of the festival I show a large selection of my works in the solo exhibition
11 September – 1 November 2021
about my art
As guest of honour of the festival I show a large selection of my works in the solo exhibition
11 September – 1 November 2021
Due to the situation related to COVID-19 the SALON d`AUTOMNE is forced to renounce its 117th edition which was to take place from October 14th to 18th 2020 on the Avenue des Champs Élysées in Paris.
I am proud that my art is included in this beautiful Italian art book.
I`am proud to be in the collectors section “Art 10 Must have” of WEcontemporary. This prestigious international art volume was presented at the Topic Salon in Prague and contains the works of worldwide contemporary artists.
I am very honored with the invitation to be Guest of Honour at the 29th FESTIVAL DE SCULPTURE CAMILLE CLAUDEL. In a large solo exhibition I will show both 2-and 3-dimensional artworks.
It was a wonderful opening of the exhibition by ArAnimA at the SR Gallery in Brussels. I was very happy to receive the second Prize MIA and the third Prize du Jury for my sculpture SAVANNAH BONDING. This in the presence of his Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium and the South African actress Daniah De Villiers who has the leading role in the movie MIA and the WHITE LION.
I am very happy and honoured to be awarded by the vice-president of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, Pierre Carron, with the Prix Colmont. This very special event took place under la Coupole du Institut de France in Paris.
I am very pleased with the invitation to be Guest of Honour at the 13th BIENNALE DE SCULPTURE ANIMALIÈRE DE RAMBOUILLET. In this exhibition 12 of my sculptures are on show.