2023 Career Art Award, Effetto Arte Foundation, Sanremo, Italy
2021 Médaille d’or, 5th Salon International des Beaux-Arts de Thionville, France 2018
2018 2nd Prix Mia, ArAnimA exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
2018 3th prix du Jury, ArAnimA exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
2018 Prix Colmont, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de France, Paris, France
2018 Médaille de Bronze, Soc.des Artistes Français, ART CAPITAL, Paris, France
2017 Woman in Art Award, the Woman`s Essence Show, Paris, France
2016 Prix Edouard Marcel Sandoz, Salon d`Automne, Paris, France
2016 Canaletto Prize, Biennale Riviera del Brenta, Italy
2016 Shakespeare in Art Award, Triennale dell Arte Contemporanea, Verona, Italy
2015 Marco-Polo-Art Ambassador International Prize, Venice, Italy
2014 Nominated for the ArAnimA Award sculpture
2014 Prix Artiste Contemporain, 10th Biennale d`Art Animaliers, Nemours, France
2012 Prix Fonderie Rosini, 36th SNAA, Bry-sur-Marne, France
2009 Prix Special du Salon, 20th salon Artistique a la Porte du Sundgau, France
2007 Prix Prestige de la Ville de Cernay, 24th Salon d`Art Chevalet d`Or, France